Thursday, September 30, 2010

something rich and rewarding.

“Well, ‘said Pooh, what I like best,’ and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.”
-A.A. Milne

How many times have you said “I just want to to complete all my goals—and be done!” I know I have. But! “Life is a journey, not a destination,” is a quote we often see on inspirational posters. We have to create a day-to-day life that fosters the feelings Pooh describes. Our day-today journey has to become the joy and richness in our life. She goes on to say after all, what do you do when you get to a destination? You usually don’t stay there, but instead chart another course. We can’t link good feelings to our destination, or we would never have as many good feelings as we deserve in our lifetime.

The journey is a lot of fun. Enjoy!

100th post

100th post.

lets dance!

hi hi hi! 100th post on Lavender & Honey. and! many, many, many, many more to come. love love love.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

finding passion.

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”
-Wayne Dyer

Hello there! Today this wonderful book of inspiration says

We naturally want the best for those with whom we are friends, our acquaintances—as woman, we are natural nurturers. It’s important to realize that our views and attitudes about our world are the single biggest influence we can give to those around us—either positive or negative.

I would like to believe I’m a positive person. I always find something good about each down fall that comes my way. Although, I can slowly feel my positive energy (that was at full force, at the beginning of the summer) fading, fast, lately I have been feeling a little wore out and not “good” enough (many reasons). I know, I know, so silly. So, this week! I am going back to the beginning of summer. Except its fall! This is an even better reason, to be excited, thankful, and happy. I love this season. It’s indeed my favorite.

Keep on moving. We are almost there.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dear, sweet, wonderful, monday

Dear Monday,

Hello, how are you? You always come so soon! That’s okay though, because, Mondays are for getting inspired. And that’s always a good thing.

BIG FAN, Angella

ps all photos are not mine. want credit? just say so! I will be happy to do so.
First photo- Color Me Katie
Last two photos- Door Sixteen

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My life in three hundred and sixty-five days, thrity-one.. and a few more.

a little bit of a "catch up"

I am very behind on this “my life in three hundred and sixty five days” project. I have decided to take it day by day. I’ll get there.

Friday, September 24, 2010

key ingredients.

"Success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction.”
--Al Bernstein

Most success stories are journeys that include obstacles, “failures,” detours, roadblocks, and road bumps. But obstacles, “failures,” roadblocks, and road bumps are key ingredients to success. We can’t get to success in a personal or professional endeavor without these ingredients. Roadblocks teach us to stretch our thinking, reframe our situations, and expand our possibilities. Goes on to say—there is no such thing as a setback. A setback is a necessary ingredient in the recipe of success.

Detours—two that have been on my mind a ton.

Not being able to afford school.
Going to Cosmetology school.
BUT! I learned so much—not only about hair but many many life lessons. (I’ll save this for another post)

Bumps—ill stick with a goofy one.

My closet going bananas, twice
BUT! I now have to come up with a better design, which will possibly make me organize all my things! And I got a new inspiration board out of it. (this will come later, too!)

This post can probably get drawn out and boring! So ill keep it short and sweet. Goodnight.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Opposite. Not consistent. Different.

You know what’s funny to me? That a synonym for different is “special”. This is my style—“special”.

I like clean lines. simple silhouettes. plain fabrics. flowered fabrics. modern. vintage. cozy sweaters. structured. neutral colors. pops of BOLD colors. all black. no labels. cutsey bows.

I wish I could be someone that just likes one or the other. I’m not consistent but I am special.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I walk through fear.

“All I know is that you can get there from here. You can. Walk through fear.”
-Mary Anne Radmacher

How often do we turn away from something out of fear? It might be something on a large scale, like a hidden dream in our heart. Or it might be on a smaller scale, like not making a phone call because a conversation makes us nervous. This book is intsense (in tents) :-], mia. (sorry, back to business) Oh, how many times. I don’t even know. Too many to count. If we don’t take a step forward, we will never get “there”. Each time we take steps, we will build our internal confidence and belief system.

It says
Take a step today toward “there”—wherever your “there” may be.

oh, hello Monday.

"mondays are for inspiration"

Monday! you came so soon. I am thankful for you!

photos are all taken by someone else. if you want credit please comment! ill be happy to do so!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

a little bit.

a little bit of living. a little bit of discovering. a little bit of helping (or trying). a little bit of (actually a ton!) inspiration. a little bit of (a lot a bit) of workin’. A little bit of laughing. A little bit of crying. A little bit of this. AND. A little bit of that.
Has left me exhausted yet so INSPIRED and I am SO EXCITED!
behind- my life in 365 days.
this is Tarzan, yes, he is king of the jungle (his name fits him well).
very true to life.
argo tea cafe-10'

Tarzan is my friend Vincents kitty (Hazels best friend). REAL LIFE: I hang with some nerds. (fantasy football, beer, and kind of watching the football games, too). On the door at work.

PS If any of you nerds happen to see this. I mean it in the best way possible.

Monday, September 13, 2010

mondays are for getting inspired--again.

on my mind. a sweet monday post.
((click to make bigger))

1. a neat ring
2. a collage of pictures.
3. over caffienated and shaky at all times.
4. oh darling! A cute print found on etsy. I have travelin’ fever. One day I hope to go on many adventures with someone I love.
5. owls. Are. My. Favorite.
6. inner grace—Philosophy is one of my favorite brands. The product is amazing! And to top it off the design and wording on each product is inspiring and always makes me smile.
Philosophy to know peace is to know God. within the context of peace, we can know joy, love and happiness. in the absence of peace, we own nothing but the turmoil of our minds that jump from one negative thought to the next. to find peace, you must shut off your mind and open your heart to the only thing that matters, the gift of the present moment, peace personified.
7. silly bandz. Oh brother! Another hip hipper thing. I really love these things! So much fun.. and I believe they make lasting memories. Just like Pokémon cards, furbies, Tamagotchi pets, and beanie babies. I can recall sitting on the side walk in Calumet City with my friends and having battles with Pokemon cards.. organzing them, trading them, and sharing. Oh , to be a kid again.

learning to dance with life.

“There are no guarantees. From the viewpoint of fear, none are strong enough. From the viewpoint of love, none are necessary.”

So often in life we want a guarantee. We want something new, but we are fearful. We long to know that our energy will not be wasted. We want to try a new career or implement a new idea, but we need reassurance to warrant the risk. We seek some reassurance it is easy to withdraw and not take a chance. It goes on to say we must learn to dance with life, even without a guarantee. We have to reach past out fears and embrace risk to discover the path to fulfillment. For the greatest things in life aren’t backed by guarantee, but by risk and courage. Really? What do we have to lose? Nothing.

I am behind on my “my life in three hundred and sixty-five days project” BUT! I have a real treat coming up! Or I’m pretty excited about it anyway.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

give the best of yourself

“One of the most tragic things about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our window today.”
--Dale Carnegie

I have taken a few days for living (actually working)! Anywho, how do you do! : D. She goes on to say if you were to gather 100 people in a room and ask them to write down their happiest times, you would likely find that the list had one thing in common. Our happiest times come when we connect with others and give the best of ourselves. Yet, these happy time can be hard to come by because human nature is to acquire “this or that,” or accomplish “this or that,” before taking time to connect.

long stories short:
I couldn’t agree more with this quote. For so long I have always put off connecting with people. I have always felt I needed to do something more and become someone better. This year I think I have grown so much. I believe I put part of that self away.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My life in three hundred and sixty-five days, twenty-seven.

eatin' some brunch before work. Something very simple. I really wish I could just work from home. I just want to be here. One day I might make this happen! BIG DREAMIN' over here. Until then.. off to work I go. I hope youre having a wonderfulll Thursday.



he usually gets a little mad when I start taking pictures.

focusing on what matters.

“Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.”
--Jonathan Kozol

She says we need to challenge our routines, instead of doing them on autopilot, and we need to choose to focus on what really matters. Life isn’t about getting everything done—life is about completing what matters. Do not fill up your to-do list with so much “clutter” that you cant complete the tasks that give life meaning.

Focus on what matters. ((Dont make your goals too small though.)) because you might end up forgetting that they are there! and not seeing them.

THIS BOOK speaks to me so closely. I feel like it may do that for everyone. I have to-do lists that are seriously never ending. I know this may be everyone.. so lets focus on what matters. :-]. If you’re reading.. leave a comment. What are you going to focus on this coming week? I would love to know.

one day at a time. all we can do.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My life in three hundred and sixty-five days, twenty-four, twenty-five, and twenty six.




I just want to say I love fall weather. Pumpkin Ale. Tea time(I have a little collection going). Hazel always getting in all my pictures! And Buzz protecting the thermostat.

Monday, September 6, 2010

dont ever forget to live.

“At some point during your search for the meaning of life, don’t forget to do a little living.”
- Quoted from A Thousand Paths to Tranquility

Lately I have been doing a lot of learning, discovering, and searching. This quote makes me think.. maybe I should slow down. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. I am here! Okay! I need to remember to not get lost in finding but really start living. She goes on to say as many people search for their passion or for the meaning of life, they are wrapped up in “tomorrows.” The goal is to get to that “special tomorrow” where fullness and meaning is discovered, and problems lessen.

It goes on to say in order to find the meaning in life we must live. We can’t live for tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year. If we spend our time wrapped up in thoughts of what’s next, then we actually end up losing the gifts of today. Which, is actually moving, self-discovery further away from us.

Something to think about

Another one of my favorite Audrey quote that goes with this

"Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present, and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future."Audrey Hepburn

mondays are for getting inspired.

inspired by all things. sweet monday post.

ps. none of the photos above are taken by me. I lost some of my sources as well! If you want credit leave a comment! I’ll put it up, :-]

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My life in three hundred and sixty-five days, twenty-three.


went to aplandia also known as filter coffee, in wicker park with my lovely friend simone. We traveled all over the city today. North side, westish side, the loop, and now I am resting in my nest on the south side.
goodnight. sleep well. dream big!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My life in three hundred and sixty-five days, twenty-one and twenty-two.



The first photo is of my Kitty aka "Hazel" aka "DJ swirls" and I have many lazy days. We just lay in bed. Watch Mad Men, read, and cuddle. He is seriously the apple of my eye right now.
The second photo is of a building in Chicago in Lincoln Park.

helping others and learning to help yourself.

“It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said, ‘Remember, my son, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.”
Sam Levenson

For what is going on in my life right now this post couldn’t be more on point with what’s happening/going on in my life right now. I actually talked to a friend about this subject—relatively. It says ‘the successful person heeds this quote and understands that in order to move forward, she needs to use her own helping hand.
We cannot put the responsibility for moving forward on another, or wait for someone to help us. We have to live every day, helping ourselves down the road of our dreams. I have always (sad to say) that person that has many goals. Yet, I rarely accomplished them. It goes on to say 10% of people actually live that way. This is a sad thought.

I believe in myself now. Something I didn’t have a few years ago. In the past two years I have learned SO MUCH. It truly amazes me.
It goes on to say (again, I know, I say this a lot!)
What area of your life are you waiting for help in? Instead of spending time waiting, spend time generating a list of what you need to know, and then get to where you want to be.
Easier said than done? Yes. I think so too. Just take it day by day, that’s all we can do. We no longer stall in life; instead I seek solutions— ill get there.

I already posted this a while back in my blog. This is the full poem..(of the quote). I read this poem EVERYDAY.
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone. People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anybody. Remember, If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
ps. if youre reading. Thank you!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My life in three hundred and sixty-five days, twenty.

I didnt take this picture today-- but I did take it May this year.

This picture has significant meaning. One morning in May I was walking home. It was going to be about a five mile walk and I wasn’t really in the mood. Then I started talking to my mom (my mom when she was with me, would always try and get me to go on walks with her) I never would though. Long story short I said “mom, this is going to be our walk.. I’m with you. How are you?” Then I looked up. I saw this “I LOVE YOU”. Tears just started falling. I really believe this was her talking.

I love you. I miss you. I know youre in a better place.

rest well. 09/02/08

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My life in three hundred and sixty-five days, nineteen.


enjoy the day to a hilt.
Today was spent with my wonderful friend Mia (Mia if youre reading this, HI!). I believe today, was a good eye opener. I'm truly thankful for everything and everyone in my life right now.