on my mind. a sweet monday post.

1. a neat ring
2. a collage of pictures.
3. over caffienated and shaky at all times.
4. oh darling! A cute print found on etsy. I have travelin’ fever. One day I hope to go on many adventures with someone I love.
5. owls. Are. My. Favorite.
6. inner grace—Philosophy is one of my favorite brands. The product is amazing! And to top it off the design and wording on each product is inspiring and always makes me smile.
Philosophy to know peace is to know God. within the context of peace, we can know joy, love and happiness. in the absence of peace, we own nothing but the turmoil of our minds that jump from one negative thought to the next. to find peace, you must shut off your mind and open your heart to the only thing that matters, the gift of the present moment, peace personified.
7. silly bandz. Oh brother! Another hip hipper thing. I really love these things! So much fun.. and I believe they make lasting memories. Just like Pokémon cards, furbies, Tamagotchi pets, and beanie babies. I can recall sitting on the side walk in Calumet City with my friends and having battles with Pokemon cards.. organzing them, trading them, and sharing. Oh , to be a kid again.
angella.... i think im becoming addicted to mac again! help me! im starting to rebuy the essentials that i used up years ago..i.e. foundation concealor you know must haves. but i cant help but going to the website and looking at all the brushes and stuff i want.no no no! i thought i was over it but i think it came back stronger!what kind of blush do you think i should get?
i love the pictures in this and this post...and pretty much all your posts.
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