Thursday, September 9, 2010

focusing on what matters.

“Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.”
--Jonathan Kozol

She says we need to challenge our routines, instead of doing them on autopilot, and we need to choose to focus on what really matters. Life isn’t about getting everything done—life is about completing what matters. Do not fill up your to-do list with so much “clutter” that you cant complete the tasks that give life meaning.

Focus on what matters. ((Dont make your goals too small though.)) because you might end up forgetting that they are there! and not seeing them.

THIS BOOK speaks to me so closely. I feel like it may do that for everyone. I have to-do lists that are seriously never ending. I know this may be everyone.. so lets focus on what matters. :-]. If you’re reading.. leave a comment. What are you going to focus on this coming week? I would love to know.

one day at a time. all we can do.

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