Sunday, September 12, 2010

give the best of yourself

“One of the most tragic things about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our window today.”
--Dale Carnegie

I have taken a few days for living (actually working)! Anywho, how do you do! : D. She goes on to say if you were to gather 100 people in a room and ask them to write down their happiest times, you would likely find that the list had one thing in common. Our happiest times come when we connect with others and give the best of ourselves. Yet, these happy time can be hard to come by because human nature is to acquire “this or that,” or accomplish “this or that,” before taking time to connect.

long stories short:
I couldn’t agree more with this quote. For so long I have always put off connecting with people. I have always felt I needed to do something more and become someone better. This year I think I have grown so much. I believe I put part of that self away.

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