Wednesday, June 22, 2011

a faint city

he faintly remembers
he faintly feels
he faintly sees

how much everything really means.
she needs a new city
a new start and yes, this time she might be smart

ps. i won't have a computer for a week or so! but, i am going to try to still update. have a wonderful night.

photo- here

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

once has to be enough

one smile. one hello. one glance.

that is enough. i don't need it all. i don't need much, anymore.

photo- here

Monday, June 20, 2011

everything i want


thank you for coming.

love, angella

photos- first three are from this wonderful site and the last one i'm not sure!

Friday, June 17, 2011

cornball express

wish i knew.

ps. sorry, this post may mean nothing to you. but, i do wish

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

so cold

Went from feeling so much,
to feeling so little.
In both ways.
I feel so cold. So little.
So cold.

Monday, June 13, 2011

big things

this monday (that is almost over). i am/was inspired by the little things. remembering what made you special. i love you and miss you. on a lighter note, colors combinations. the smile on your face. the nice man that gave me a quarter for my two dimes and a nickel. food in the fridge. caring friends. hearing funny stories. taking a shower. watching a new movie. listening to a new album. accepting things and moving forward (or at least trying).

i hope you enjoyed your monday.

Photos- If you want credit, please let me know! I really need to get better at writing and remember sources.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

to the dark with light in the end

Is this your normal? Take the easy way out. The short cut. That just leads to the dark.

I can be light. But, choose your own path. Be your own person.

photo- not mine! if you want credit, please let me know!

Friday, June 10, 2011

break through

‎"You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don't have that kind of feeling for what it is you are doing, you'll stop at the first giant hurdle."

tonight: dinner and star wars. i've never seen any of the star wars, so i'm about to be acquainted, i'm pretty excited about this. happy weekend to you!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

just enough

I think I'm not:

good enough/smart enough/ brave enough/ strong enough

but who is to say that I'm not good/smart/brave/strong enough?

It's me. I tell myself these things daily and it might be holding me back. I'm working on knowing and understanding that I may not be the best. the smartest. the bravest. the strongest. But, I am enough.

Don't let your judgment on yourself hold you back. You are enough too. Just how you are, perfectly imperfect.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

words to heart

"It matters not what a person is born but who they choose to be."
-J.K Rowling

I haven't read all the Harry Potter books (they are on my list). But, this is me bringing back the '365 Ways to Start Your Day Positive' book. It's a great book and each time I pick it up to read that days little message, I feel a little lighter. A little bit happier. I guess I'm for the little things in life. It doesn't take much to get me happy and it really doesn't take much to get me sad (working on that). The wonderful book goes on to say, a single parent receiving financial assistance from the state, Joanne pursued her writing dream in every spare moment she had. And of course, the rest is history. Did you grow up in a family without money and thus feel that financial security is not within your reach? Did adults around you discourage your dreams until you forgot how to dream them?

I cannot tell you how much I can relate to someone (family member) telling me time and time again that my dreams were too big, that I should just find a good man and let him support me. Because of that, I have struggled with getting an education. I have no financial support, making it kind of hard to pursue my dreams. I have never really gave up on my dreams and never really forgot how to dream, but, I did loose hope. I know that this journey has only made me stronger. I know what I want and I know that one day, I will get there, eventually. I also know that no dream is too big or too small. So, take the words of J.K to heart- choose to be more. I know I am.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

there is light

How did I miss INSPIRATION Monday? Oh. Jeez. Yesterday was a whole bunch of inspiration. It was hot. It was crowded, yet cozy. Yes, cozy! It was a dream come true. I got to see Iron and Wine at Millennium Park.

two bottles of wine. dancing. friends. people watching. sam beam. sandwiches. cheese! great music. love.

there is light in my lady's house
and there's none but some falling rain
this like a spoken word
she is more than her thousand names

no hands are half as gentle
or firm as they like to be
thank God you see me the way you do
strange as you are to me

it is good in my lady's house
every shape that her body makes
love is a fragile word
in the air on the length we lay

no hands are half as gentle
or firm as they like to be
thank God you see me the way you do
strange as you are to me

Sunday, June 5, 2011


There are things that drift away like our endless, numbered days

photos above are taken by me

Saturday, June 4, 2011

walk for a cause

Today was a walk around the city.
mission: is to enforce the truth that those who experience sexual assault are never at fault– no exceptions.

take a look.

Friday, June 3, 2011


words were written at 3am
there is no surprise your name came up
not ready, this i know.
there is a story to unfold
right now, it will go untold
but soon, soon, it will unfold

photo above is not mine, want credit? please let me know!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I know a story


A little date with a friend.


Another little date with a friend.


AND another date with a friend and then later that night more friends.


Spent almost two hours reading in borders, one of my favorite spots to just relax and think and of course read a little. It was so cold but I think I still managed to have a wonderful day. Lost in so many thoughts. I was then greeted by the most heartwarming smile, it was kind of nice and refreshing. A cup of coffee. A walk around the city of Chicago. It was a good day.








I've been waiting for you!




Welcome, June! Last month I had these feelings. I just want to say the month of May came and passed faster than the month of April. When I felt lonely I did have the month of May.. Oh but the month of June. The month of June looks promising, just wait and see!


Well, well, well.. Hello today! The story I wanted to share here, is just something I wanted to point out. I feel behind. I am behind. But, I haven't been more excited.

“Time is amazingly forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire today. Success depends on using it wisely- by planning and setting priorities.

-Dennis Waitley

I haven't done an inspiration message post in forever. I was thinking about my blog the other day (actually, I think about my blog all day.. everyday). This blog has been mostly about inspiration. Although, in my mind it's so much more. I think time will only tell where this blog will go, I'm not trying to rush to make this a masterpiece in one day or even in a year. It's going to take time. So the wonderful book goes on to say, how wonderful to realize that today is “ours” – no matter what yesterday held. When we greet each morning with that willingness to use the day wisely, plan, and set priorities, we achieve our full potential. Write down three things that will make this day matter, make today count.

Take a moment today to revisit your dreams and aspirations. Don't let them out of your sight. Make every day count.

Priority this month: Blog every single day. Yes. I am going to do it. AND that is why I wanted to catch you up on some wasted days and some not so wasted days because hello June! You're about to get really interesting.

Above photos are not mine. Want credit? Please let me know!