Wednesday, June 8, 2011

words to heart

"It matters not what a person is born but who they choose to be."
-J.K Rowling

I haven't read all the Harry Potter books (they are on my list). But, this is me bringing back the '365 Ways to Start Your Day Positive' book. It's a great book and each time I pick it up to read that days little message, I feel a little lighter. A little bit happier. I guess I'm for the little things in life. It doesn't take much to get me happy and it really doesn't take much to get me sad (working on that). The wonderful book goes on to say, a single parent receiving financial assistance from the state, Joanne pursued her writing dream in every spare moment she had. And of course, the rest is history. Did you grow up in a family without money and thus feel that financial security is not within your reach? Did adults around you discourage your dreams until you forgot how to dream them?

I cannot tell you how much I can relate to someone (family member) telling me time and time again that my dreams were too big, that I should just find a good man and let him support me. Because of that, I have struggled with getting an education. I have no financial support, making it kind of hard to pursue my dreams. I have never really gave up on my dreams and never really forgot how to dream, but, I did loose hope. I know that this journey has only made me stronger. I know what I want and I know that one day, I will get there, eventually. I also know that no dream is too big or too small. So, take the words of J.K to heart- choose to be more. I know I am.

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