Thursday, June 2, 2011

I know a story


A little date with a friend.


Another little date with a friend.


AND another date with a friend and then later that night more friends.


Spent almost two hours reading in borders, one of my favorite spots to just relax and think and of course read a little. It was so cold but I think I still managed to have a wonderful day. Lost in so many thoughts. I was then greeted by the most heartwarming smile, it was kind of nice and refreshing. A cup of coffee. A walk around the city of Chicago. It was a good day.








I've been waiting for you!




Welcome, June! Last month I had these feelings. I just want to say the month of May came and passed faster than the month of April. When I felt lonely I did have the month of May.. Oh but the month of June. The month of June looks promising, just wait and see!


Well, well, well.. Hello today! The story I wanted to share here, is just something I wanted to point out. I feel behind. I am behind. But, I haven't been more excited.

“Time is amazingly forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire today. Success depends on using it wisely- by planning and setting priorities.

-Dennis Waitley

I haven't done an inspiration message post in forever. I was thinking about my blog the other day (actually, I think about my blog all day.. everyday). This blog has been mostly about inspiration. Although, in my mind it's so much more. I think time will only tell where this blog will go, I'm not trying to rush to make this a masterpiece in one day or even in a year. It's going to take time. So the wonderful book goes on to say, how wonderful to realize that today is “ours” – no matter what yesterday held. When we greet each morning with that willingness to use the day wisely, plan, and set priorities, we achieve our full potential. Write down three things that will make this day matter, make today count.

Take a moment today to revisit your dreams and aspirations. Don't let them out of your sight. Make every day count.

Priority this month: Blog every single day. Yes. I am going to do it. AND that is why I wanted to catch you up on some wasted days and some not so wasted days because hello June! You're about to get really interesting.

Above photos are not mine. Want credit? Please let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really love this, good job!