Thursday, December 16, 2010

shine and glisten.

“Never let yesterday use up too much of today.”
—John L. Mason

I really struggle with anxiety, so, this quote really made me smile. Just let go. Sometime things come your way that you cannot control. Walk away, take a step back.. and know that better things are to come.

This wonderful book says:
Learning to break the cycle of anxiousness and worry isn’t simple. Its takes time, practice, and persistence. Worries about finances follow many of us throughout the day. We feel guilt over “not getting anything done.” Household commitments sometimes seem endless. We worry about our children; we worry about our loved ones. And that worry and preoccupation end up robbing the joy from the magic of today. There is nothing more freeing than finally “letting go.” You will recognize the feeling, because the little things you have been missing will begin to shine and glisten like never before.

1 comment:

The Owl Diary said...

I'm learning to let go as well. This quote is definitely an encouragement. Wonderful post. ♥