Monday, August 30, 2010

a little trip. actually, this was HUGE!







I love Richmond Virginia. Richmond is seriously the cutest city I have seen—so far. It was my first trip anywhere too! I tried to take photos daily (for my life in three hundred and sixty five days project).


Oh hello plane! (First flight ever) all I have to say this was a magical experience!
Eating delicious greasy fast food, every day. (Okay, not so much a highlight but this is a taste of how my cousin eats! Whoa!)
Walking down Monument Ave. with Jenny
Singing “home- by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros” with Jenny to Heather and annoying her ;-]
Cinnamon Tea “RICHMOND BLEND” at night
Sleepin’ in
A late night run to McDonalds
PARK AVE. (my favorite street in thee entire world!--so far)
Of course seeing my lovely cousin HEATHER
BOATIN’ on Lake Anna!

Getting CDS from Jenny (love, love, love!)

It was sweet and short. I had a wonderful time. I really am happy to be back in Chicago though, nothing is like sweet home CHICAGO.


simone said...

hi.its your friend simone! i want to follow you but i cant figure out how to do it.oh well! your blog is so so so cute.dont even look at mine because it look like poop and im kinda embarrassed.ok bye!

Holly said...

aww <3 the pics!! glad you had fun!

char said...

those cloud pictures are perfection... i'd give anything sail above the clouds on a plane :)
your blog is lovely xx

p.s. i LOVE "home" by Edward Sharpe and the... WOW that name is long!