“When we can't access our inner resources, we come to the flawed conclusion that happiness and fulfillment come only from external events.”
--Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance
Reading on..
The problem with that search is that our happiness becomes codependent. Instead of having a well to draw on from within, we require external events to “lift us up.” Not only is that unfair to the events or people we are relying upon, it is unfair to ourselves, because the happiness we create is conditional.
We all deserve unconditional joy and happiness within our own hearts. We deserve to have a sense of internal peace, regardless of what is happening around us. The intensity of that happiness might fluctuate with what our external world offers, but it is there nonetheless.
To break out of that mold, we have to access our inner resources. We have to learn the skills to turn our questions inward instead of outward. We have to accept responsibility that happiness begins right where we are, not somewhere outside ourselves.
There are many things in life we can't or don't control, but we do control our attitude and our perceptions. Once we accept this fact, we create a space in our life to access those inner resources. We engage in activities that promote self-awareness, self-discovery, and self-reflection. We feed out souls with positive affirmations and positive people. We turn away and don't accept the negative into our thoughts and perceptions. We embrace that which nutures us, and reject the rest.
Not often do I put word for word of this book on my blog. Today I think I needed to type it all out. Really engrave these words in my mind. In my thoughts. For far too long, I have been filling myself up with worries that are not really important in the end. For far too long I've been avoiding my thoughts. My thoughts about my mom. About being alone. Avoiding living and just existing. I think it might be time to stop for life is too short. I have far too many goals to just exist. I'm quiting Argo tomorrow. It's going to be a good day. Oh happy day.